“To me, coaching is the art of asking the right questions”
Anette Borgen
Education director and educator
Anette has been self-employed for more than 30 years as a coach, therapist, and teacher. She is passionate about communicating personal development, health, well-being and wellness.
Since 2006, she has been affiliated with Sofia Manning as a coach trainer, certification manager and teacher. As a lead mentor, she has coached hundreds of trainees both during and after their training programs.
Anette is a wise and professional sparring partner. With her many years of experience, she possesses a high professional level and she generously shares what she calls "crazy coaching tricks and cool hacks".
Everyone goes through periods in life with crises such as loss, illness, addiction and defeat, and many live a life on a hamster wheel that drains their energy for life. Anette is convinced that many lack the courage and belief that they can create a life on the wheel of fortune with conscious choices. Therefore, she focuses on the fact that all people have the resources and potential to create positive changes for themselves. She herself is living proof of this.
With her many years of experience, Anette has several educations on her resume. Massage therapist, NLP, HypnosisMaster, Kinesiologist and Diet and Nutrition Counselor. In 2009 she took the Mastercoach program at Manning Inspire and in 2010 she became a Conflict Coach and Motivation Factor Facilitator. She has also lived and worked in the USA for a number of years.
You will meet Anette at intros, the Coach Education, the Master Specialization Stress and the Master Coach Specialization.
Anette is certified PCC, by ICF
“Coaching for me is the opportunity to let go of the pain, rebalance your life and give wings to your potential
Henriette Claydon
In general, Henriette is very inspired by people, personal development and inner human work. She is curious about every person she meets. What are their greatest skills and passions? How has life shaped them?
If you ask about Henriette's personal inspiration, the answer is twofold, because she primarily draws her professional inspiration in the United States from the leading American experts and business people in the field of development and sustainability. Her inspiration for personal development, presence and philosophical perspective as a human being comes from the East and its ancient practices.
When Henriette is not teaching at either Coaching or Enneagram programs in Denmark, she supports her business clients in developing and optimizing human competencies in the work of ensuring strong well-being and sustainable leadership. In addition, she has spoken at both the Danish and international Enneagram conferences, and she has published articles and participated in interviews about the Enneagram.
In 2002 Henriette was trained at one of the world's leading Enneagram houses, The Riso Hudson Enneagram Institute in NY. In 2011 she was further trained as an Integral Coach PCC at New Ventures West in San Francisco. Henriette is a professional Enneagram instructor and is today one of Denmark's most used and experienced Enneagram teachers. Henriette teaches personal development, personal leadership and Integral Coaching. She ties it all together with a long and strong experience as a communicator and an original love for her studies in social psychology.
You will meet Henriette on the Coach program as well as on the Master's specialization in Leadership.
“For me, coaching is about thinking things through and clearing the fog we hide in, so that we can take responsibility for our desires.”
Lykke Rix
Since taking the coach programme in 2005, Lykke has made a living through teaching and communicating coaching and the human development processes both in companies and for private individuals at workshops, retreats and in 1:1 sessions.
Lykke believes that those who are attracted to coaching have one - or more - unfulfilled longings inside. There is more to give, more dreams or aspects of themselves that they are not living out. But by asking questions, being quiet with ourselves, raising our awareness and seeing new perspectives on the same situation, we can peel off the layers we put on the outside to protect ourselves.
We look for guarantees because we have a lot at stake when we show up in the world. We depend on being part of the communities, and many of us fear that if we show who we really are and what we stand for, we will be social outcasts. Therefore, in her coaching and her work with people, she is also very interested in the relationships people form and in creating safe communities that lift and support.
It is not the coaching conversation alone that creates the result. It is what we do with the insights between sessions that develops us. Personal development is not just about getting insights. It can be raw and extremely challenging to change the habit, do something different than we usually do, or "just" let go. Therefore, Lykke has over the years also been interested in how we create and maintain momentum in the personal development processes.
Lykke has a Cand.mag. in Media Science, has worked in DR Nyheder and at the Danish Embassy in Washington. Over the years, she has trained feedbackers with Sofia Manning, been a trainer at the Master's program, taught in Greenland, written books with Sofia and been a co-teacher at Sofia's retreats in Andalusia, alongside Lykke's own independent business.
You will meet Lykke on the Coach program and the Master Specialization Facilitator Coach.
Lykke is certified PCC, by ICF.
“Knowing Sofia over the years, I have seen someone with an unshakeable determination to become a leader in her field and succeed at what she aimed for. Sofia’s style is one of passion, humor and professionalism. She is an excellent communicator that knows what she is talking about”
Sofia Manning
Owner & educator
At the age of 24, I had a dream. A dream to find a meaningful profession. A career that could inspire me and make a difference for people other than myself. I sought my fortune in the United States, where I came across coaching, which was brand new at the time. It was the answer to what I was looking for and ever since then I have spent my professional life spreading and developing coaching.
Coaching became big pretty quickly and I started our first Coach training programme, which has since become many more. Now it has become a well-established and reputable company, where the Coach training programme is one of many offers, all of which have in common that they give people insight into themselves and others and encourage them to unfold themselves, their dreams and ambitions in life.
I run the company myself, teach on our courses, write books and often appear in the media on topics relevant to self-development and coaching. I have been a regular columnist, had my own radio program and spoken to a lot of media.
“Coaching er for mig at give plads til refleksion i en travl hverdag, så du kan komme nærmere det liv, du drømmer om.
Mads-Christian Brill Olsen
Educator & Mentor
Already at an early age, Mads-Christian realized the difference coaching can make: He was actually coached in relation to his elite sport - but the coaching created significant ripples in the water, and suddenly he was able to act on a number of other things in life.
Since then, he has been deeply interested in self-development, human psychology and behavioral change. He is interested in what happens when we step out of our comfort zone and explore our full potential.
Today, Mads-Christian has his own business where he coaches his clients to understand their own courageous path from thought to action. Mads-Christian also works as a partner and manager in a consultancy where he helps entrepreneurs as well as small and medium-sized enterprises to achieve their goals.
As a teacher, Mads-Christian brings all his experience into play. You will find that he uses concrete examples to show how the tools you learn in the program can be used in practice. If you have a dream of becoming an independent coach, he is also happy to share his best advice on how to get beyond the ramp so you can make a real difference for other people.
He is a trained coach from Sofia Manning and, in addition to his master's degree in business development, he also has a number of health educations, including as a health coach and personal trainer.
You will meet Mads-Christian at the Coach Education and the course Coaching and Conflict Management as well as Leadership in Practice. Mads-Christian is certified PCC by ICF.
““For me, coaching is a journey where we dive into our innermost values, dreams and fears to create a life that is in alignment with our authentic self.” ”
Maria Berry Sonne
Educator & Mentor
Maria Berry Sonne graduated as a Sofia Manning coach in March 2021 and has since then been affiliated with the house in various roles. Maria has also trained as a master coach, also from Sofia Manning, specialising in stress, conflict and couples and relationships. She is now affiliated with Sofia's House as a coach mentor and teacher.
Maria has an educational and professional background as a social worker, where she has worked with vulnerable children, young people and families.
When Maria teaches at Sofia's House, it is with great passion for the craft of coaching. Her commitment is evident in her approach to teaching, and she is happy to share both knowledge and experience. She is committed to creating a safe, curious and stimulating learning space where there is room for everything that arises. She is also keen to energise the room and bring professionalism, seriousness, lightness and fun into the learning processes. This is important to her as she is dedicated to creating a learning environment where you can develop and acquire competences and insights into the art of coaching.
You will meet Maria on the Coach Programme, 'Coaching & Conflict Management' and 'Leadership in Practice'.
Maria is certified PCC, by ICF.